Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar said that Pakistan salutes the unwavering commitment and high passion of Kashmiris for the right of self-determination.
In his message, the chief minister said that February 5 reminds the international community to play its role for granting the right to Kashmiris to identify their political future in the light of UN resolutions. He said Kashmiris ask this question to the international community that why are they being deprived of their fundamental rights according to the UN charter. The international community, as well as the global human rights bodies, should play their effective role to stop the worst brutalities being committed by the occupied Indian armed forces, he added.
It is regrettable that the Modi government has turned the Occupied Kashmir into world’s biggest jail with its unconstitutional tactics. The chief minister asserted that India cannot deprive the Kashmiris of their right to independence by illegally changing the constitutional status of Occupied Kashmir and employing the policy of state-sponsored terrorism and torture. He emphasized that black face of claimants of so-called democracy has been fully exposed. The people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir are fighting a war of their survival and freedom as Kashmir is the unfinished agenda of Indian partition. The Kashmiris have written a new history with their blood which is unique and unprecedented, he added.
Usman Buzdar reaffirmed that Pakistanis are standing shoulder to shoulder with their Kashmiri brethren and the nation strongly condemns inhuman treatment meted out to the Kashmiri population. Today, the nation reassures the Kashmiris that they are not alone in their struggle and Prime Minister Imran Khan is fighting their case as an ambassador of Kashmiris. He added that Prime Minister Imran Khan has effectively highlighted the Kashmir issue at every forum while the nation will continue to provide its diplomatic, moral and political support to the oppressed people of Occupied Kashmir, concluded the chief minister.
Fake cosmetics
The Punjab government decided to take action against those involved in the business of fake cosmetics and Punjab cabinet also gave approval to The Punjab Drug & Cosmetics Amendment Act. 2019.
In this regard, Chief Minister Usman Buzdar said that no action was taken against the elements involved in fake and substandard cosmetics in the past. The past governments continuously ignored the sale of counterfeit makeup items. The people were fleeced; he added and further said that there is no room for such elements in the new Pakistan. Such elements are playing havoc with the health of the people.
The cabinet approved the Act to ensure production of cosmetics according to international standards, he said. The cosmetics items would not cause diseases and availability of original brands will be ensured. Sale of substandard or spurious items would not be allowed, he added. The purpose of licensing of cosmetics sale points is to ensure the provision of genuine products through the original supply chain. Quality cosmetics will be produced by ensuring good manufacturing and it is also imperative that public awareness should be created about the safety of cosmetics, he concluded.
Meanwhile, Usman Buzdar took notice of torture of a nurse of THQ Hospital Shorkot by Doctor Safdar Abbas and sought a report from the Health Department. While condemning the alleged incident as deplorable, he directed to initiate legal action against the doctor. A case has been registered in PS Shorkot City against the said doctor and Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department has also suspended Doctor Safdar Abbas and initiated action under PEEDA Act.
The Chief Minister also condoled the death of former MNA Ch Abdul Sattar. In a condolence message, the chief minister extended sympathies to the bereaved heirs and prayed to Almighty Allah to rest the departed soul in eternal peace.